Monday, July 25, 2011


The latest issue of Sein und Werden is on the web and on the shelves.

Yes, I have a story in it. Nothing wrong with a little shameless self-promotion.

This quarter's theme is "Wunderkammer" the cabinet of wonders. For me, the theme immediately conjured images of a demented old fiend who keeps living-dead girls locked in strangely angled boxes. (Perhaps I've watched The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari a few too many times.) I haven't read the entire issue yet, but I'll post a review as soon as I'm finished reading.

If you're not familiar with Dr. Caligari, click play:

1 comment:

Charley Robson said...

You're in it? Wow, that's so awesome! :D
That clip ... is creepy. *shudders*